Best Ayurveda Panchakarma Treatment Packages in Kerala.

Panchakarma Treatment

Panchakarma Treatment

Ayurveda is a traditional system of Indian medicine that deals with the physical, mental and spiritual health of a person it’s a harmonizing between the body, mind, and soul. Panchakarma therapy has an important role in Ayurveda. Ayurveda treatment protocol is samshamana chikitsa [palliative treatment] and samshodhana chikitsa [purification therapy].

Panchakarma treatment which is the samshodhana chikitsa[bio cleansing method] is done to eliminate the vitiated dosha [ accumulated toxins] from the body and maintain the equilibrium state of doshas. The panchakarma word meaning is five actions so the main procedures five are vamana, virechana, vasti, nasya and rakthamosha .

panchakarma treatment

Panchakarma Treatment Packages

Embark on a transformative journey towards holistic rejuvenation with our meticulously curated Panchakarma detoxification Ayurveda package. Designed to nurture your body, mind, and soul, “Harmony Renewal” offers a comprehensive blend of traditional therapies aimed at enhancing blood circulation, nourishing tissue health, promoting overall wellness, and fostering mindfulness.
Program Overview:
Abhyangam & Steam (7 Days): Indulge in the ancient art of Abhyangam, a soothing full-body massage using medicated oils followed by steam therapy. This therapeutic combination helps to relax muscles, improve circulation, and detoxify the body, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and revitalized.

Pizhichil (7 Days): Experience the luxurious Pizhichil treatment, where warm medicated oil is gently poured over the body in rhythmic motions, accompanied by gentle massage. This deeply nourishing therapy enhances skin health, relieves muscle tension, and promotes overall well-being.
Kashaya Dhara (3 Days): Immerse yourself in the healing properties of Kashaya Dhara, a unique therapy where herbal decoctions are poured over the body in a continuous stream. This therapeutic treatment helps to alleviate inflammation, cleanse toxins, and soothe the nervous system.
Ksheeradhara (3 Days): Indulge in the ultimate relaxation with Ksheeradhara, a rejuvenating therapy where warm medicated milk is poured over the body in a continuous flow. This deeply moisturizing treatment nourishes the skin, calms the mind, and promotes sound sleep.
Ayurvedic Facial (1 Day): Rejuvenate your skin with our Ayurvedic facial, tailored to your skin type and concerns. Using natural ingredients and traditional techniques, this facial treatment cleanses, tones, and revitalizes the skin, leaving you with a radiant glow.
Mathravasthi (7 Days): Experience the therapeutic benefits of Mathravasthi, a specialized Ayurvedic enema therapy aimed at detoxifying the colon and balancing the doshas. This gentle yet effective treatment helps to alleviate digestive issues, improve bowel function, and enhance overall health.

Immerse yourself in a transformative journey towards enhanced vitality and well-being with our thoughtfully crafted Panchakarma treatment. Tailored to elevate blood circulation and promote overall wellness, “Vitality Rejuvenation” offers a blend of traditional therapies aimed at revitalizing your body and uplifting your spirit.
Program Overview:
Udwarthanam & Steam (3 Days): Begin your journey with Udwarthanam, a deeply invigorating herbal powder massage that stimulates blood circulation and enhances metabolism. Paired with steam therapy, this treatment helps to detoxify the body and promote relaxation.
Elakizhi (3 Days): Experience the healing benefits of Elakizhi, a therapeutic treatment where herbal poultices filled with medicated leaves and herbs are applied to the body. This rejuvenating therapy helps to relieve muscle pain, inflammation, and stiffness, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Pizhichil (3 Days): Indulge in the luxurious Pizhichil treatment, where warm medicated oil is poured over the body in a continuous stream while receiving gentle massage strokes. This deeply nourishing therapy helps to nourish the skin, soothe the nervous system, and promote overall relaxation.
Abhyangam and Steam (5 Days): Revel in the bliss of Abhyangam, a traditional full-body massage using warm medicated oils that penetrate deep into the tissues to release tension and improve circulation. Combined with steam therapy, this treatment enhances detoxification and promotes a sense of well-being.
Head Massage (3 Days): Relax and unwind with our soothing head massage, designed to release tension from the scalp, neck, and shoulders. This therapeutic treatment helps to alleviate headaches, promote mental clarity, and induce deep relaxation.
Foot Massage (4 Days): Revitalize tired feet with our rejuvenating foot massage, which focuses on acupressure points to relieve tension and improve circulation. This indulgent therapy helps to soothe sore muscles, promote relaxation, and enhance overall well-being.

Introducing “PURE BLISS DETOX: A 7-DAY DETOX PACKAGE” Embark on a transformative journey towards rejuvenation and vitality with our exclusive 7-day detox package designed to eliminate toxins and restore optimal health. “Pure Bliss Detox” offers a comprehensive blend of traditional therapies aimed at rejuvenating your mind and body, leaving you feeling refreshed, revitalized, and renewed.
Program Overview:
Pizhichil (2 Days): Commence your detox journey with the luxurious Pizhichil treatment, where warm medicated oil is gently poured over the body in a continuous stream while receiving gentle massage strokes. This deeply nourishing therapy helps to nourish the skin, soothe the nervous system, and promote overall relaxation.
Abhyangam & Steam (2 Days): Indulge in the ancient art of Abhyangam, a therapeutic full-body massage using warm medicated oils to release tension, improve circulation, and detoxify the body. Paired with steam therapy, this treatment enhances the elimination of toxins and promotes deep relaxation.
Shirodhara & Face Massage (2 Days): Experience the ultimate relaxation with Shirodhara, a therapeutic treatment where warm herbal oil is gently poured over the forehead in a continuous stream. Combined with a soothing face massage, this therapy helps to calm the mind, relieve stress, and rejuvenate the skin.
Nasyam & Tharpanam (1 Day): Detoxify and revitalize your senses with Nasyam, a cleansing therapy where medicated oils are administered through the nasal passages. Followed by Tharpanam, an Ayurvedic eye treatment, this holistic therapy helps to clear congestion, improve respiratory health, and promote eye comfort.
Foot Massage (7 Days): Revitalize tired feet and enhance overall well-being with our rejuvenating foot massage, which focuses on stimulating pressure points to relieve tension and improve circulation. This indulgent therapy promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and revitalizes the entire body.
Virechanam (1 Day): Conclude your detox journey with Virechanam, a cleansing therapy aimed at eliminating accumulated toxins from the body through controlled purgation. This therapeutic treatment helps to restore digestive health, balance doshas, and promote overall detoxification.

we encourage you to explore the possibility of customizing your own panchakarma treatment package tailored to your specific needs and preferences. Our experienced Ayurvedic practitioners are available to discuss your individual health goals, concerns, and preferences, allowing us to create a personalized panchakarma treatment plan that addresses your unique requirements. Whether you’re seeking targeted therapies for a particular health condition, looking to enhance relaxation and stress relief, or simply interested in furthering your wellness journey, our custom treatment packages offer flexibility and personalized care. With a wide range of traditional Ayurvedic therapies and specialized treatments at your disposal, you can embark on a tailored wellness journey that aligns perfectly for your body.

Vamana - Panchakarma Treatment

Vamana is emesis therapy, the procedure which is performed to eliminate the vitiated doshas through the mouth by giving emetic drugs internally. Vamana is the first procedure among the panchakarma and it is considered the best line of treatment for Kapha dosha.


Virechana - Panchakarma Treatment

Virechana is the purgative therapy that is done to eliminate the vitiated doshas from the body through the anus by giving internal medication which is having purgative action and it is the best treatment procedure for pitta dosha vitiation.


Vasti - Panchakarma Treatment

Vasti is the enema therapy that is performed through the anus by administering enema. vasti are of two types oil enema and decoction enema and it is the best line of treatment for vata dosha vitiation. Some acharyas are considered as this vasti as 2 procedure this oil enema and decoction enema is considered as a separate procedure in panchakarma.


Nasya - Panchakarma Treatment

Nasya is the errhine therapy, it is the instillation of nasal drops through the nostrils. Nasal instillation of medicated liquid through each nostril for the elimination of vitiated doshas in the upper part of the body [urdhwanga- above the chest region]. it comes under the panchakarma procedure as purification therapy large doses are used to instil in nose for the elimination of vitiated dosha.


panchakarma treatment


Tarpanam treatment procedure is done in the eyes, this procedure is a good nourishment therapy for the eyes. In this procedure, the medicated oil or ghee is filled in the eyes and kept for a certain period of time. For filling the eyes with this medicated ghee or oil needed a dough ring is constructed around the eyes and in that this medicated ghee or oil [unctuous substances] is poured until the eyelid is immersed in that. Akshi tarpanam [akshi means eyes] gives nourishment to the eyes and cures diseases of eyes like dryness, squint, myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, etc. This procedure is performed for 7, 14, or 21 days for a specific period of time according to the person’s condition. it is a specialized treatment for the eyes, it improves eye vision and also prevents various diseases affecting the eyes.


Pizhichil is a special Kerala panchakarma treatment it comes under swedana and is one among the Drava Sweda [swedana done with medicated liquid] or it’s a parisheka sweda which is described by acharya Charaka. It is also termed kayaseka [pouring in the body]. Pizhichil is a Malayalam word and its meaning is squeezing. Pizhichil is a procedure that is performed throughout whole body and it is done using medicated oil. In pizhichil the oil is poured in a stream over the body at a specific height by dipping the cloth in the lukewarm medicated oil, the cloth is squeezed and the oil will drip through the thumb over the body. When this lukewarm medicated oil is spread through the body while pouring a gentle massage is given. It’s done in different postures and it is done in various disorders it gives the result of sweating therapy and also it is performed for maintaining general health and it has great importance in Ayurveda procedures.

Thalapothichil [Shirolepa]

Thalapothichil is the application of herbal paste all over the head. Thala means head and pothichil means covering. so in this procedure after applying herbal paste all over the head it is covered with a plantain leaf. Thalapothichil is a Malayalam word that is common in Kerala Ayurveda and in Ayurveda it is termed as shirolepa – applying paste in the head. Commonly for preparing medicine for thalapothichil Indian gooseberry, licorice, and nut grass drugs are cooked in buttermilk, and water content is evaporated it is made into a paste by grinding without using water, and this paste is applied over the head and covered with plantain leaf and tied. This procedure is good for insomnia, mental disorders, and various kinds of head diseases.



Udwarthana procedure is a massage that is done with herbal powder so it’s also called a powder massage. Udwarthana massage is done in [prathiloma] opposite direction of the hair and during the massage with powders the pressure is given in an upward direction and gentle pressure is given in a downward direction. It is done after oil massage [snigdha udwarthana] and also without abhyanga [massage with oil] procedures. This procedure is done with lukewarm herbal powders which is having kapha -vata hara [pacify Kapha and vata] property drugs. Udwarthana is mainly done for reducing Kapha dosha and medho dhatu [adipose tissue]. So it is indicated in obesity, for attaining ideal weight and enhancing skin texture.


Njavara kizhi

Njavara kizhi is a specialized Kerala panchakarma treatment. Njavara kizhi is a Malayalam term and in ayurveda it is termed as shashtika shali pinda sweda. it is a pinda sweda [bag of bolus] procedure which comes under swedana karma [sweating therapy]. Shashtika shali pinda sweda it’s a Sanskrit word, shashtika means 60 days, shali means rice and pinda means bolus, so the swedana procedure which done with rice which is harvested in 60 days and other drugs preparing a bag of bolus of semisolid paste and this bag of bolus is used swedana karma[sudation therapy or sweating ]. This procedure is performed in ekanga [ localized or specific part] and sarvanga[whole body]. Njavara kizhi though which comes under swedana karma, gives swedana[sweating] action and also brimhana property [ nourishing, strengthening, or building]. So it improves muscle strength, rejuvenates the body and it relieves pain, stiffness, and inflammation. This treatment procedure is especially for bones, muscles, and body tissues.


Dhara is the continuous pouring of medicated liquid over the body. the medicated liquid is poured in uninterrupted flow at a specific height in the person’s body. Dhara is swedana karma which is coming under drava Sweda [ sweating done using liquid] or parisheka sweda[pouring medicated liquid]. This procedure is done in the head and the whole body , which is done in the head is shirodhara and the whole body is sarvanga dhara. Different medicated liquids are used for this procedure. Commonly used medicated liquids are four types. They are taila dhara [ using medicated oil], takradhara [ using medicated buttermilk] , ksheeradhara[ using medicated milk], Kashaya dhara [using medicated decoction] . Many other medicated liquids are also used for this procedure. The medicated liquids are taken according to the patient’s condition. It gives good results on physical and mental functions of the body and is mainly performed in psychosomatic conditions.

Pada abhyanga

Padaabhyanga is a massage performed on the foot. Pada abhyanga is a Sanskrit word, pada means foot and abhyanga is the massage done in the body parts. Pada abhyanga is having great importance in panchakarma treatment

and it is mentioned under dinacharya [ daily regimens we should follow]. Foot massage is very important in Ayurveda and it is not only done for curing diseases that are coming over the foot, this procedure is done daily because pada [foot] has important marma points which are connecting our internal organs like the heart, lungs, etc. and also acharyas mentioned this foot massage in a daily routine it is connecting with the eyes. So performing the pada abhyanga [foot massage] stimulates the internal organ and improves eye vision mainly and many other benefits also get from this foot massage. foot massage is done with appropriate medicated oil according to the person’s condition. Foot massage is done for maintaining health, prevent various diseases, and cure various illnesses.

Shiro abhyanga

Shiro abhyanga is the procedure that is done in the head with medicated oil. In panchakarma treatment, acharyas mentioned the regimens that should be followed in our daily life. if we follow these regimens in our life it helps to maintain our health, and prevent various disorders. Various regimens are mentioned in Ayurveda, among these regimens acharyas gives importance to abhyanga[body massage with oil]. So whole body massage is described and also our acharyas say at least give importance to applying oil over the head, ear, palm, and sole because important marma points are present in these areas. Shiras also few marma points are present, Shiroabhyanga [head massage] is very important it’s applying oil over the center of the scalp and spreading it all over the head, and doing the massage movements in the head. It’s beneficial for the many conditions of the head and also it improves the muscle strength of the head. It gives good results in stress-related complaints, improves hair growth, and prevents greying of hair, hair fall, and scalp issues.

Rejuvenation therapy

Shiro abhyanga is the procedure that is done in the head with medicated oil. In panchakarma treatment, acharyas mentioned the regimens that should be followed in our daily life. if we follow these regimens in our life it helps to maintain our health, and prevent various disorders. Various regimens are mentioned in Ayurveda, among these regimens acharyas gives importance to abhyanga[body massage with oil]. So whole body massage is described and also our acharyas say at least give importance to applying oil over the head, ear, palm, and sole because important marma points are present in these areas. Shiras also few marma points are present, Shiroabhyanga [head massage] is very important it’s applying oil over the center of the scalp and spreading it all over the head, and doing the massage movements in the head. It’s beneficial for the many conditions of the head and also it improves the muscle strength of the head. It gives good results in stress-related complaints, improves hair growth, and prevents greying of hair, hair fall, and scalp issues.