Treatments for childhood disorders

Welcome to the world of Ayurveda’s Kaumarabhrithya, a specialized branch among the eight branches of Ayurveda (Ashtanga). Rooted in the wisdom of ancient texts like Brhat Trayees, this department has garnered significance, with notable mentions by revered acharyas such as Vagbhata and Kashyapa.

Kaumarabhrithya, in modern terms, is dedicated to pediatric care, spanning from conception to a child’s maturity at the age of 16. This holistic approach encompasses the child’s physical and mental growth, addressing health maintenance, preventive measures, and curative interventions.

The pediatric department at Vyuma Ayurveda has crafted a protocol that seamlessly combines Manasika Roga and Kaumara-Bhritya (pediatrics). Our primary focus lies in delivering specialized treatments designed for a diverse range of conditions. This includes congenital, hereditary, nutritional, systematic, and behavioral disorders, such as autism, ADHD, and learning disorders, which predominantly impact the mind.

Autism In Ayurveda

In the Ayurvedic context, autism is recognized as a behavioral disorder affecting the mind. Kaumarabhrithya tailors specialized treatments for individuals grappling with autism, addressing not only the symptoms but also delving into holistic approaches that promote mental well-being.

Child Disorders In Ayurveda

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) finds attention within Ayurveda's pediatric care. Kaumarabhrithya focuses on personalized therapeutic interventions to manage ADHD symptoms, emphasizing a holistic approach that considers both physical and mental aspects.

Learning Disorders In Ayurveda

Ayurveda perceives learning disorders as disruptions in the Vata dosha, affecting cognitive functions. Treatment involves personalized dietary plans, herbal supplements, and mindfulness practices. The holistic approach aims to restore balance, recognizing the interdependence of mental and physical health in addressing learning challenges.

Child Disorders In Ayurveda

Kaumarabhrithya encompasses a range of child disorders, from congenital and hereditary conditions to nutritional issues. The specialized care extends beyond symptomatic treatment, emphasizing holistic well-being for the growing child.

How it works?

Treatment Approach in Vyuma Ayurveda

In treating difficulties, a specialized intervention team comprises professionals such as Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Ophthalmologists, Psychologists, and parents.

We begin the treatment process by obtaining detailed reports from the therapy center where the child receives ongoing interventions. Our doctors conduct additional analyses, incorporating findings from both assessments, our Ayurvedic doctor tailors a personalized treatment plan incorporating a detoxification and rejuvenation program. This aims to enhance overall development, including intellectual, behavioral, and learning capabilities in the child. This plan may involve the intake of medications, specific food supplements, and recommended recipes for parents to incorporate into their child’s diet.

Over the initial months, we closely monitor the child’s progress, making necessary adjustments to the treatment plan as needed. This phase helps us assess the condition and identify areas for improvement.

After the initial assessment period, within 6 months, our doctor devises a detailed 14 or 21 days treatment plan, offering a more intensive approach to address specific needs and enhance overall well-being.

Upon completion of the treatment, we provide a comprehensive report detailing the child’s condition, interventions performed, and observed improvements. This report is shared with the pathologist, ensuring continuity of care.

Our commitment extends beyond the treatment phase. We provide ongoing support and valuable suggestions to the pathologist and parents, fostering a collaborative environment for sustained progress and development.

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