Ayurveda Wellness: Unlocking Your Inner Potential | Vyuma Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the traditional system of Indian medicines which mainly deals with physical, mental and spiritual health of a person. In ayurveda our health and well being is nothing but the harmonizing between the body, mind and soul. 

In ayurveda our main aim is to maintain the balance of tridosha [bio energies] vata, pitta and kapha dosha. imbalance of these vata, pitta, kapha leads to disease manifestation. So ayurveda gives importance to daily regimens [dinacharya], night regimens[ratricharya] and seasonal regimens[rtu charya]. Following these proper regimens in our life promotes the well being of a person. Ayurveda also concentrates on these regimens [especially food, sleep, exercises, yoga, meditation and various ayurveda procedures] which must be followed in our life which helps to maintain the general health and wellness of a person. Ayurveda treatment procedures are individually customized according to the condition of that person, assessing the time[kaala], season[rtu] , dosha vitiation[vata, pitta and kapha] and constitution of that person. 

Ayurveda deals with wellness of person as promotive , preventive and curative aspect and following the panchakarma procedure like vamana, virechana,vasti, nasya and rakta moksha the major treatment procedures and other procedures like massage, steam bath, njavara kizhi, ela kizhi, podi kizhi, etc helps to balance the tridosha, dhatu, mala and agni and panchakarma and rasayana therapy is the best detoxifying and rejuvenation therapy. panchakarma procedures are performed for maintaining the health of that person , preventing various illness, we provide 7, 14, 21 days ayurveda procedures  as customized program method after prescribed by ayurveda physician and also for enhancing the immunity and improving and maintaining health of the person following wellness treatment program in a year. 

These procedures are provided by vyuma ayurveda after consultation.