Yoga Classes in Kerala- Vyuma Ayurveda

Yoga Classes In Kerala

Yoga Classes in Kerala: Yoga means that which unites, which brings about the union of body, mind and soul. When we practices yoga daily we able to control the mind, intellect and sense organs and it helps in concentration and meditation. yoga is methodological effect towards self purification by development of potential latent in the individual.

Different schools of yoga are mentioned in classical text:

Bhakthiyoga, jnana yoga, karma yoga, hatha yoga, raja yoga, laya yoga, kundaliniyoga, naada yoga, mantra yogas. Bhakthiyoga, jnanayoga, karma yoga are the three main path of salvation. Hatha yoga and raja yoga are the two important stream of yoga. Hatha yoga helps to attain physical strength and prepare the body to adapt the philosophical way of living and prepares for raja yoga [mental strength].

yoga classes in kerala

Benefits of yoga

. It helps in harmonize the body, mind and soul.
. Helps in live a better life
. Helps in detoxification of body
. Enhance the immunity
. Strengthens body tissues.
. Improves circulation
. Longevity
. Enhance the immunity
. Strengthens body tissues.
. Improves circulation
. Longevity
. Improves physical strength, delays ageing
. Stress relief
. Achieve the psycho-spiritual liberation
. Helps in self control, concentration and meditation

Ashtanga yoga

1. Yama [self control]
2. Niyama [observation of rule]
3. Asana [fixed postures]
4. Pranayama [breath control]
5. Prathyahara [withdrawal of senses from sensual pleasure]
6. Dharana [fixing or concentration of mind]
7. Dhyana [concentrating on the chosen object or meditation]
8. Samadhi [complete dissolution of self, merging the mind and the object]

Yoga Certificate Courses(yoga classes in kerala)

1. 1Month Basic Yoga
2. 1 Month Yoga Therapy
3. 1 Month Yoga Teachers Training

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